«Casadentro, traditional knowledge of daily domesticity in women's narratives»
Valentina Mejía-Amézquita / Andrés Felipe Roldán-García / Miguel Arango-Marín / Marcela Cardona-González (Colombia) Table B – Hybridizations
This paper shows part of the results of research creation that has brought together the being/doing of everyday life in collaboration with researchers in the creative areas, humanities, design, social sciences that we carry out in the urban area of the municipality of Riosucio, Caldas in Colombia and that is installed in other ways of thinking/doing from a creative, design and poetic knowledge contextualized.
In essence, from the research creation we seek to account for the knowledge of daily and territorialized domesticity embodied in the narratives and practices of women to retell with them, what they know and put into practice every day to care for and produce their homes and their territories, an issue they share with other Colombian regions, in the particularity of overlapping various processes of silent and silenced territorialization.
This research creation has taken place from three related coordinates: (i) an epistemological one, which points to the questioning of what could be understood as "other ways of being/doing poietic and design knowledge", (ii) a conceptual one, which presents a theoretical device necessary to approach those knowledges we want to recognize and which we have called the Casa-Habitante-Artefacto (C-H-A) system, and (iii) a methodology, which focuses attention on the ways in which this C-H-A system led to the co-collaborative work (interwoven, horizontal and situated) with the women participating in the research, managing to gather those domestic knowledges that make the house a scenario of unequal prosáica, as scholars of everyday life would suggest.
With the above, we believe that in a creation research such as the one presented here, we can account for resilient resistances, those that prevail because they are embodied and rooted in the land, the territory and the active and activist territoriality, in the conversation with groups of people situated and traversed by (in)disciplinary and subverted fields of knowledge that beyond the plane of expert and meta-discursive discussion of design, requires the practiced and performative wisdom of others, because when the experiences of design and creation (others) are tangible, they can be identified, evaluated and criticized.