Bruno Viana

Bruno Viana



Bruno Vianna was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1971. He graduated in cinema in Rio in 1996. He has a master's degree from the Interactive Telecommunications Program at NYU, obtained in 1999.

Between 1994 and 2003 he directed four short films, all fictional stories that deal with social issues in the streets and favelas of Rio, which won international awards such as Geraldo Voador. He directed the feature film Cafuné, which was released in theaters and on the Internet under a Creative Commons license, and encouraged downloaders to modify the edition. In 2008, he released, Ressaca (Hangover), a feature narrative film that is edited live at each screening through the use of a touch screen interface. It has been screened at festivals around the world, including Electrofringe in Australia, Cinelatino in Toulouse and Piksel in Norway. It won 4 awards at the Festival de Cineesquemanovo in Brazil, the only festival where it had the opportunity to take part in the competition.
He worked with mobile computing at the Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona in 2000, receiving a grant to develop Palm Poetry, an interactive literature research for PDAs enhanced with motion detectors. He has also worked as a mobile content development consultant for Cluster Consulting, as well as a number of US companies. He presented Invisibles, an augmented narrative reality project for mobile phones, at the festival in Brazil. His work Translucid Web, a mobile app that places Twitter feeds in an augmented reality environment, was selected for the Pixilerations Festival in Providence.
