Bernardo Pinero
Buenos Aires, 1982. Artist, teacher, entrepreneur, researcher in training. Bachelor of Electronic Arts with orientation in Sound and Music from the National University of Tres de Febrero (2006). In 2007 he completed the postgraduate seminar "New technologies applied to the creation of multimedia installations and performances" at the National University Institute of Art in Buenos Aires (IUNA). He has been a DJ between 2002 and 2008. He has a Master's Degree in Technology and Aesthetics of Electronic Arts (2013) from the same university, for which he developed his Thesis "Ojoyector: interpellations of the representations of eyes in electronic arts installations" developed with the support of the “Emerging Leaders in the Americas Program” (ELAP) scholarship in Montreal, Canada, between December 2012 and March 2013). He has studied in various workshops, courses and seminars at the intersection of art and technology, including: at UNTreF, “Musical Language” (2004) and “Electroacoustic Composition and Music Seminar” (2004); at the Cultural Center of Spain in Buenos Aires: “Arduino” Workshops (2007), “Creative Strategies for Performances” (2008) and “VJign” (2008). At Fundación Telefónica, the workshops “Telas Digitales” (2007), “Arte Interactivo” (2007) and the Work Clinic “Tec En Arte I” (2008) and “Tec En Arte IV” (2011).