Aurelio A. Horta Mesa

Aurelio A. Horta Mesa


Art and design theorist. Essayist. Doctor of Sciences on Art. Professor / researcher at the Institute of Aesthetic Research of the National University of Colombia. It addresses the research topics on the Fundamentals and Criticism of Culture, Art and Design. He is currently doing research on poetics, democratization and transterritoriality in Colombian design, as well as transtextuality and the meaning of the image in relation to words and writing. His career in Cuban Artistic Education stands out. President-Founder Permanent National Court of Scientific Degrees in Sciences on Art of Cuba (1996-2000). Former Academic Vice Chancellor of the Higher Institute of Art in Havana, Cuba (1993-1999). His teaching management and academic direction in Costa Rica marks the institutionalization and opening of unprecedented academic programs in Central America −Cinema & TV, Digital Animation and the Master's Degree in Design Studies− (2000-2007). He has developed teaching, academic advice, conferences and seminars in Mexico, Venezuela, Bulgaria, Spain, Argentina and Colombia. He has an extensive record of publications and the books Coordenadas Carpenterianas (1990). Sisyphus' vacation. Carpenterian art pre-texts (2001) and Thinking Design, compiler and essayist (2004).
