art! ⋈ weather
sound art
Ricardo Dal Farra / Concordia University – UNTREF / Argentina – Canada
art! ⋈ climate” (or “art! ⋈ climate”) presents a series of short pieces of sound art related to the effects of climate change and the global environmental crisis. Some of the pieces were selected as part of the contest organized by the Center for Experimentation and Research in Electronic Arts (CEIArtE) of the National University of Tres de Febrero, Argentina, and the Climate Center of the Red Cross / Red Crescent, and with the support of the international project Balance-Unbalance. created by students from the Department of Music at Concordia University in Montreal, Canada.
All the works were created following the guidelines provided by the Red Cross Climate Center on certain pressing issues they face, such as the difference between climate and climate; challenges in implementing its Forecast-Based Financing program; or the problems associated with the increasing number of migratory mosquitoes, caused by climate change.
Similar sound art programs have been presented at the International Image Festival by the same sender in recent years (as well as at the Balance-Unbalance 2016 conference held in Manizales) having an impact on the local audience as well as international visitors to the event.