Archiving and preserving the art of new media: the case of MediaLab Madrid

Archiving and preserving the art of new media: the case of MediaLab Madrid

The file is memory. From this premise, we take a tour of the so-called "archives" of new media art that were presented at the ISEA Symposium Archives 2022, establishing a series of criteria that allow us to analyze said archives and define the fundamental issues and challenges for the creation and consolidation of this type of files.

There are two complexities: creating archives of works and works whose nature is processual, generative and interactive, and preserving, facing the obsolescence of both hardware and software.

Taking this frame of reference and as scientific coordinator of the creation of the MediaLab Madrid Archive, the creation and development of the same, its problems and the solutions taken will be detailed, this being a case of good practices in the creation of art archives of the new media.
