«Web-Geovisual Application: Manrique»
María Camila Garcia Parada (Colombia) Table B – Hybridizations
Geovisual is a research/creation project that proposes a reflection on territory in audiovisual creation. The final product of this project is an application hosted on a web server, with an interactive map, which represents the Manrique neighborhood in Medellin Colombia, built as an imagined territory from the audiovisual.
This project is close to algorithmic art, NET-ART and information visualization. For the development of the map, urban sketches of the neighborhoods of Manrique and video fragments of the short films Paseadores de perros and la Casa de todos, works made as part of the process Manrique, cámaras acción en el año 2019.
This work highlights that it is possible for us to build small realities, new territories through the audiovisual, multiple territories mediated by our gazes, by our ways of capturing and inhabiting them. Imagined territories.