Opening of the VII D+A+T Market
The Design, Electronic Art and Technology Market is a meeting and interaction space for different proposals that converge in design, which focus on the work areas of: editorial design, interactive design, apps and videogames, transmedia creation and videos and animation. In addition, it is a commitment to articulate people, processes and experiences from different contexts and national latitudes in a common event held within the framework of the International Image Festival.
In its seventh edition, the Market explored new forms of realization and migrated each of its activities to digital platforms, which allowed it to be articulated this year with the proposed activities of Encuentros Manizales 2020 of the Ministry of Culture, with the modalities of Regional Talents and Stories, and New Media and Interactive Content, which represented an opportunity to strengthen the learning processes of the Market and diversify the thematic axes. There were also three special components, which are: the process carried out with ECLAC for the development of a national strategy to strengthen the digital animation chain with Costa Rica, Panama and Colombia; the Animation Sessions led by the Jorge Tadeo Lozano University and the exhibition of cultural and creative initiatives developed by young entrepreneurs from Bajo Putumayo in a cooperation agreement between CISP and the Fundación Instituto de Investigaciones de la Imagen, a component that allowed the participants to visualize their work and enrich their learning processes through the exchange of knowledge with experts in the area of work of their initiative.
In charge: Felipe César Londoño – Director of the International Image Festival (Colombia).