Animal Cinema
Emilio Vavarella / Italy
Animal Cinema is a film made up of video clips of animals operating cameras.
All cameras were stolen by animals acting autonomously. These video materials, downloaded from YouTube between 2012 and 2017, have been reorganized in Animal Cinema as a constant display of non-human ways of being. Although the videos jump from one animal kingdom to another, linking together sandy beaches, underwater worlds, rocky mountains, forests, skies, and urban environments, Animal Cinema tries to hide all cuts and all human edits. Therefore, to see the body of the animal in action is to learn something about it, getting closer to the non-human structure of the world. Animal Cinema opens a window to forms of non-human perception that would naturally be foreign to us.
He asks us to relate to the animal, but does not explain how. It requires a constant change in perceptual registers, which need to quickly readapt to non-human perspectives to stay with the animal.