Andres Pacheco Jaimes

Andres Pacheco Jaimes


Anthropologist dedicated to photographic, audiovisual and collage making with an ethnographic and documentary perspective. He is also co-creator of incorrage and in his experience as an anthropologist and artist has worked with the reconstruction of historical memory from social research, audiovisual production and visual arts in: the treatment of archives of the student movement of the Universidad Nacional; in Guaviare with the reconstruction of historical memory and exhibition of museographic pieces together with the CNMH at the Universidad de los Andes and the CMPyR; in Buenaventura with training in audiovisual communication tools to popular communication collectives; in Cartagena with the realization of audiovisual and photographic pieces on the resistance of artisanal fishermen.


Workshops «Incoyaage. Technocollage and biocollage: images and incendiary fictions«
