Ana Maria Romano G
Composer, sound and interdisciplinary artist. Her works have been presented and published in Latin and North America, Europe and Asia. She was artist-in-residence at the Mexican Center for Music and Sonic Arts (CMMAS). In 2017 she was curator of the Museo de Arte Moderno de Medellín with the exhibition "Jacqueline Nova. El mundo maravilloso de las máquinas" (Jacqueline Nova. The wonderful world of machines). In 2019 she was nominated for the CLASSICAL NEXT AWARD INNOVATION. That same year she toured with the work "La perra vuela y no se cae": inaugural concert Queer Conference DISRUPTIONS III Columbia University (NY, USA), Keynote Performer NIME (New Interfaces for Musical Expression, Porto Alegre, Brazil), international artist Día Mundial de la Escucha (Concepción, Chile), national artist Festival Estéticas Expandidas (Pasto, Colombia) and Festival La Trenza Sonora (Lima, Peru). She coordinates the Plataforma Feminista En Tiempo Real. Co-founder and co-coordinator of PAISAJISTAS SONORAS-AMÉRICA LATINA and MICROCIRCUITOS Plataforma Digital Regional. Member of Red de Compositoras Latinoamericanas-redcLa.