Alejandro Jimenez Salgado
Professor at the University of Manizales, Master in Research and Creation in Arts from the University of Caldas. He participated as an artist in the following exhibitions: “Practices of contemporary art. Sculpture (Collective)”, “Appropriation of spaces. Sculpture (Collective)”, “Laboratories of Visual Arts of the Ministry of Culture (Collective)”, “Death goes on Vacation. Work: Le Banquet (Collective)”, “Focus Contest 4 Miradas Hacía el Conflicto. Photographic (Collective)”. He also participated in the Laboratory: "Photography as an artistic practice" with the curator Javier Mejía. He was creative for the photographic and video production campaign in the HomeCenter catalog and Photographer for the Leticia Vive Digital project.
Carlos Adolfo Escobar Holguin
Associate Professor of the Department of Visual Design at the University of Caldas. He has participated in the development of the following investigations: "The World of Visual Design", "Methodology Consulting in the definition of types of Research: Visual Expression in the Cities of Bahareque, Center for Research and Scientific Development", "NODOS. Collaborative Creation Multimedia Event”, “Sustainability of Urban Heritage in the Coffee Cultural Landscape. Experimental application of an environmental design model for its assessment on the northern route of Caldas” and “Telematic interactions. Collaborative audio and visual creation in high speed networks”.
Cristina Sabogal Suarez
Thesis student of the Master of Design and Interactive Creation of the University of Caldas. He participated in the execution of the following projects: «Research, Technologies and Creative Companies: Stakeholders for the strengthening of Cultural Entrepreneurship», «Technology and new markets for Cultural Entrepreneurship», «Cultural Cluster for Creative Industries of the Coffee Axis», «Consulting construction guide of good practices of international quality for the digital animation industry, identified and documented as a reference for the Colombian company” and “Characterization of the profile of cultural entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs”.