«Waters of the sea»
Laura Ricardo de Salles (Brazil)
Águas de al-mar is a video art work that presents a succession of video clips of the waters of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, in a cinematic and metaphorical sound flow to the emotions of the soul. The work is linked to the notions of expanded cinema and exhibition cinema and reflects on their relationships with cutting, framing and scene in the audiovisual. The camera's points of view may or may not be frontal to the movement of the water where the images are not located anywhere, offering direct shots of the movement of the water, without horizons, moving away from the notion of landscape.
Montage constructs a filmic narrative in the broadest sense, through the sequence of images and the succession of frames arranged according to a flow of forms: single or multiple frames or stills, in temporal succession with moments of presentation of different sets of clips. The soundtrack involved an aesthetic approach and chosen techniques referring to electroacoustic music where the final stage of the compositional process was carried out with the manipulation of sounds through collage, inversion, transposition, gradation, decrease, acceleration and other parameters.
The work proposes a circuit of flows that takes advantage of the imaginary/temporal/sound freedom investigated by the Visual Arts and Video Arts.
Laura Salles
General design, filming and editing
Leonardo Meneses Pereira
soundtrack composer
Assistance in video capture and editing:
Rafael Luiz de Oliveira Silva
Silvio Cesar Sousa Rodrigues
Pollyanne Figueiredo de Azevedo
Project 10 Dimensions 2022/UFRN/Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte
in association with Media Lab/UFG/BR and PPGPC/Post Graduation in Cultural Performances of the UFG/Federal University of Goiás
General Coordination:
Aquiles Medeiros Filgueira Burlamaqui (10 Dimensions/UFRN)
Laurita Ricardo de Salles (10 Dimensions/UFRN and UFG/Media LAB/UFG/BR
Media Lab/UFG/BR collaborating team
Cleomar de Sousa Rocha
Hugo Alexandre Dantas do Nascimento
Rodrigo Montandon Born UFRN
Scholarship team of the project 10 Dimensions/UFRN)
Technical support for sound system adjustments:
Leonardo Meneses Pereira
Web site and dissemination:
Andiara de Freitas Emídio
Carlos José de Araújo Souza Junior
Girleno Atos Alves Martins
General technical support:
Christy Ally de Oliveira Lopes
Gustavo Henrique Lima de Araujo
Frederico Nero Rocha de Araujo
Otávio Augusto Cunha Barbosa
Technical-administrative employees:
Rafael Keller Menezes UFRN
Tales Evan da Silva UFRN
Support: NAC/Propesq, Proex/UFRN/Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte