Adrian Cangi
Doctor in Sociology and Doctor of Philosophy and Letters. He works as a professor at the University of Buenos Aires, Universidad del Cine and Universidad Nacional de la Plata. He teaches postgraduate seminars at different national and foreign universities. He has been a scholarship holder of the Institute for Ibero-American Cooperation to carry out studies in aesthetics at the Computense University, Spain. FAPESP Scholarship (Foundation for Amparo or Ampara da Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo) for postdoctoral studies, Brazil. Audiovisual advisor of the Museum of Latin American Art of Buenos Aires (Malva) He directed the Critical Poetics collection. Eudeba (Buenos Aires) and the Argentinian Narratives collection. Illuminations (Sao Paulo). Curator of the installation Favio, Sinfonía de un sentimiento, which was presented at the VII International Image Festival.