Through the cracks
Silvia Natalia Buitrago Guzman – Shalk Ti – Sofía Calderón Toloza – Natalia Bermúdez Wallis- David Santiago García Murcia – Juan José Heredia
Understanding the territory as a complex construct in which relationships are woven with the natural, social, economic, political and cultural, we propose a metaphorical exploration of a common place for all participants: a classroom, the scene of experiences that transform the life trajectory of individuals.
Starting point of the research and creation project “No Hay Dolores Menores”, whose space of development was the Potosi neighborhood (Ciudad Bolivar, Bogota), specifically, the Cerros del Sur Institute, ICES.
We propose a creative encounter with a cooperative artifact, which will invite users to participate in the co-authorship of an audiovisual experience, which is evocative and allows the visitor to construct its meaning through their participation and articulation. Through visualization and orchestrated listening, participants will be able to approach the representation of one of the most important symbols for the community of the Potosí neighborhood, the “Palo del Ahorcado”.