4 light years away I still love you

Presented by: Julian Thomas Sierra

This project started as an installation, but due to the pandemic it mutated and is now love letters. 

I identify myself as part of a complex system, I imagine everyone involved in my life, from the Big Bang to thousands of years after my death, all those accidents and coincidences that trigger what for me is the most valuable thing in the universe, the love that at times we experience as if we were naive teenagers in love. My project is a collection of messages about a universe where the organic and the synthetic collide with each other, in the same way that those of us who live in it collide. With them, I seek to what all has to come together for the catastrophe of love and love to happen.  catastrophe of its loss. This is my conspiracy theory, where the only point of departure and of  arrival is love. 

These letters are the place where I cry, where I mourn. I made them from space, words,  time, collages, photos, videos, flour sculptures with paper, fruit, clothes, soil, wood and  plastic objects.  

They are a message for the future.
