District Institute of the Arts – Idartes

Public entity attached to the Secretary of Culture, Recreation and Sports of the Mayor's Office of Bogotá. Its function is the execution of policies, plans, programs and projects for the effective exercise of the cultural rights of the inhabitants of the Capital District, in relation to the formation, creation, investigation, circulation and appropriation of the artistic areas of literature, arts visual arts, audiovisual arts, dramatic art, dance and music, with the exception of symphonic and academic music and lyrical singing. Similarly, Idartes manages different cultural facilities in the city such as the Jorge Eliecer Gaitán Theater, the District Cinematheque, El Parque Theater, Casona de la Danza, the San Jorge Theater and the Bogotá Planetarium.

Idartes has a strategic line of Art, Science and Technology that was created in 2016.  This line seeks to expand the creative limits of artistic practices, open up new access possibilities for marginalized populations, and increase the channels of dissemination of artistic creations hand in hand with digital logic.

Additionally, it seeks the generation of collaborative spaces in the city for innovation and entrepreneurship; where the dialogues between art and technology allow the convergence of agents from the field of the arts, the public sphere and society, making settings such as the new Cinematheque building, the Santa Fe Gallery in Plaza La Concordia and the Bogotá Planetarium, in fundamental nodes for artistic, technological and urban innovation. 

Andrés García La Rota: Coordinator of the strategic line of art, science and technology at Idartes
Elsa Victoria Botero. Coordinator of the strategic line of entrepreneurship and cultural industries of Idartes.
Raquel Solorzano. Bogotá Platform Coordinator – Media Lab Idartes