• Date
        June 18, 2020

        Johnny Corrales

        Costa Rica

        Company: Mechanism. Mekanismo is an Audiovisual Workshop where several partners with vast experience in the field coexist. We connect ideas with sounds and images using technology and new media to create feelings and move emotions. Fast, experienced and always “on budget”.
      • Date
        June 18, 2020

        Nella Gomis

        Costa Rica

        Company: Nima Gaspar Audiovisual. Based in Costa Rica, NIMA GASPAR is a content distribution company of all different types of genres ranging from document, film, and animation formats.
      • Date
        June 18, 2020

        Christian Vargas

        Costa Rica

        Company: Morpho Animation Studio. Studio specialized in the production of children's entertainment for television.
      • Date
        April 28, 2021

        Caroline A. Jones

        United States

        Caroline A Jones studies modern and contemporary art, with a particular focus on its technological modes of production, distribution, and reception. Trained in visual studies and art history at Harvard, she did graduate work at the Institute of Fine Arts in New York before completing her PhD at Stanford University in 1992.
      • Date
        April 28, 2021

        paulo eduardo fonseca


        Associate Professor of the School of Architecture, Urbanism and Design at the University of São Paulo (FAUUSP), where he founded and coordinated the digital manufacturing laboratory FAB LAB SP and the Research Group DIGI-FAB - Digital manufacturing technologies applied to the production of Contemporary Design and Architecture.
      • Date
        April 28, 2021

        Enrique Rivera


        In his work as director of the Media Art Biennial of Santiago, Enrique Rivera Gallardo develops the research of audiovisual installations through the use of methodologies for documentary filmmaking, the hybridization between past and present contexts, and the distribution of tangible and intangible objects in immersive contexts.
      • Date
        April 28, 2021

        Lasse Scherffig


        Lasse Scherffig is an artist, designer and researcher with an interest in the relationship of humans, machines and society; Cybernetics and the technological infrastructures of communication and control; and the cultures and aesthetics of computation and interaction.
      • Date
        April 29, 2021

        Uwe Seifert


        Uwe Seifert is Professor of Systematic Musicology at the University of Cologne. His current research interests include embodied cognitive science of music and New Media theory.