• Date
      May 17, 2023

      Omar Dario Cardona


      ‌Titular Associate Professor in Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation at the Institute of Environmental Studies of the National University of Colombia, in Manizales, CEO of INGENIAR: Risk Intelligence and advisor to the IDB, the World Bank, and UN agencies . He is a former director of the National Unit for Disaster Risk Management of Colombia. He has been Lead Coordinating Author and Editor Reviewer for the IPCC SREX and AR5 and is currently a member of ISO/TCs on Disaster Reduction and Resilience. He is a Fellow of the ICA.

    • Date
      May 18, 2023

      Jorge Bandera


      ‌Designer, specialist in multimedia and interactive creation who has master's studies in design. In addition, he is a university professor with experience in areas such as artificial spaces, bodies of the future, art and science, experimental animation processes, immersive image creation, extended reality, interactive installations, and expanded formats.

    • Date
      May 18, 2023

      Cristian David Alvarez Cardona


      ‌I introduce myself as a passionate maker developer with extensive experience in a variety of projects and skills. My curiosity about technology and my love for creativity have led me to search for new ways to use tools and materials to create innovative solutions, including programming in various languages such as Python, the use of automation technologies, and anthropomorphic development for robots.

    • Date
      May 18, 2023

      DA Restrepo-Quevedo, PhD.


      GIVES. Restrepo-Quevedo is a Designer from the University of Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano, Specialist in Multimedia Creation from the Universidad de los Andes, Master in Media Arts from the National University of Córdoba in Argentina and the University of Chile, Master in Interaction Design and Design of Experience from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, PhD in Design and Creation from the University of Caldas and Internships at the University of Barcelona and Post-Doctorate in Education, Social Sciences and Interculturality from the Santo Tomás University and internships at the University of Guadalajara.

    • Date
      May 18, 2023

      Human Data Report (HDR)

      DA Restrepo-Quevedo, PhD - Colombia

      ‌The development promoted by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) has made visible gaps in many social spheres. When these are studied from a macropolitics, they simply allow themselves to observe situations in which they are only projected as possibilities in the existence of social problems. In many of these cases, development models are promoted that do not necessarily coincide with those projected by nations and in general by the development of towns or communities.
    • Date
      May 18, 2023

      Stop Motion

      Hugo Covarrubias - Chile

      ‌The purpose of the workshop is to introduce the participants to the basic concepts of Stop Motion animation with objects and characters, providing the necessary tools and methodology for its realization. It will delve into the essential and practical aspects of the manipulation of a volumetric character.
    • Date
      May 22, 2023

      no minor pain

      Silvia Buitrago, Sergio Sánchez and Shalk-ti Calderón | Colombia

      ‌Mental health is a stigma, even if it is separated from some type of condition or disease, it is usually approached from fear, ignorance and shame. Now, if we relate mental health to childhood, the stigma overflows, because, as a result of ignorance, denial, rejection, guilt, and silence, they emerge and take root in both family and school contexts.
    • Date
      May 22, 2023

      The times that are heard between them

      Monica Naranjo Uribe - Colombia

      ‌The Times that are heard between them is a sound/light installation, designed as a musical clock, which simultaneously reproduces three natural rhythms in a cyclical way. Each of these times corresponds to different speeds* at which water flows in different environments: infiltrating a porous rock floor, traversing a network of subterranean cavities, and rising with the tide attracted by the moon.