• Date
      July 12, 2017


      Still image

      Edwin Andres Toro / Colombia

      Three digital proposals that invite us to believe and recreate the body that one is, stimulating eros, passion and ignoring beauty for sensuality.
    • Date
      July 12, 2017

      Of fire and of the breeze 01, 02, 03

      Still image

      Ariana Boaventura / Brazil

      A photographic essay on the offerings in the African matrix religions in Brazil.
    • Date
      July 12, 2017

      stop to breathe

      video installation

      Natalia López (the queen) and Estebán Sánchez / Colombia

      When it hurts so much to see violence everywhere and until it is also used so recurrently as a theme in Colombian art, as a necessity, cliché or ease; you have to stop to breathe, not only metaphorically, you have to get away from everything looking for a place that gives new meaning to being alive in a calm and strong way at the same time. You have to clean your lungs, mind and spirit, you have to rediscover the greatness and simplicity of air, water and earth.
    • Date
      July 12, 2017


      video installation

      Nadya Calderón, Zamira Paéz Cure, Mauricio Laguna, Juan Felipe Clavijo, Alejandro Lejandro Rojas Cardoso / Colombia

      It is an installation, where users expose part of their privacy with images. It is about creating an experience in which each person who interacts with the elements makes public some aspects of their personality, such as sexual tastes, social prejudices and ideas of what national identity means. All this information is mixed in a network and a game of similarities and differences between users is put together.
    • Date
      July 12, 2017

      digital hallucinations

      video installation

      Guillermo Pacheco, Santiago Nuñez, Diego Acosta, Sebatian Pedreros, Leonardo Perico / Colombia

      Digital Hallucinations is an installation that, through different digital devices and technologies (binaural sound, image capture and processing), simulates various types of hallucinations, specifically auditory and visual, creating an immersive space that occurs within a scene of violence. . This scenario seeks to sensitize the focus of the war in Colombia in the urban area.
    • Date
      July 12, 2017


      video installation

      Lithos19 / Italy

      The concept is developed around a couple in which violence is not declared but also present in everyday signs.
    • Date
      July 12, 2017


      video installation

      Diana Carolina Garcia Lecompte / Colombia

      Translation as a method to move from one place to another, not finding its partner on the other side, remains trapped in the place of the non-place, where it finally does not exist, the video installation is its metaphor.
    • Date
      July 12, 2017


      video installation

      Be Monkey (Diana Isabel Ocampo, Zuly Molina, Carlos Torres, Gabriel Alarcón) / Santiago Quiceno / Colombia

      ... "In any case, it is undeniable that it is our 'little drawings' that make it possible for the world to be 'read', for us to interact with each other, and for every human being to process and convert tons of data into knowledge." ..

      A slightly ironic and funny tour of everything that lies behind the life of a designer through infographics, taking up the sometimes offensive phrase: .."You make little drawings"... to show the path that exists in the transformation of data into knowledge and the role of the designer in this process.