• Date
      July 11, 2017

      Octavio Islands


      Graduate in sociology, master in communication and development, master in administration and information technologies, doctor in social sciences. Director of the Internet Project-Chair of Strategic Communication and Cyberculture of the Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Estado de México; director of the web magazine Razón y Palabra [http://www.razonypalabra.org.mx]; coordinator of the editorial boards of Revista Mexicana de Comunicación. Numerary member of the Mexican Academy of Communication. Member of the National System of Researchers. Author and coordinator of 8 books, more than 350 journalistic, dissemination and research articles and more than 25 book chapters. Member of the scientific committees and editorial boards of the different journals.
    • Date
      July 11, 2017

      steven montal


      Professor and director of the Production Program at Chapman University in Los Angeles. He has been involved in professional projects with the University of Southern California Annenberg Center for Communications and with Sprint Multimedia / Internet Division on Cyberculture.
    • Date
      July 11, 2017

      Felipe Cesar Londono


      He is an architect from the National University of Colombia and a PhD in Multimedia Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, in Barcelona, Spain. He is co-founder of the Department of Visual Design at the University of Caldas and a tenured professor in the areas of Experimental Visual Design and Research. Director of the Doctorate in Design and Creation at the University of Caldas.
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      July 11, 2017

      Armando Silva


      PhD in comparative literature from the University of California (Irving), he has completed doctoral studies in semiotics and psychoanalysis at the Ècole des Hautes Ètudes en Sciences Sociales (Paris) and philosophy and aesthetics at the Università di Roma. Professor and researcher at the Externado de Colombia University, as well as emeritus researcher at the National University of Colombia, he is the author of several books on aesthetics and urban cultures. The imaginary and urban project in Latin America: citizen urbanisms, which synthesize Silva's work, was exhibited at the Tapies Foundation in Barcelona, Spain, 2007.
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      July 11, 2017

      Marcel Blouin


      Director of the Montréal Photography Month and editor of the contemporary photographic magazine CVphoto, between 1987 and 1997 he was director and president of Vox Populi, Center for the Diffusion of Photography. With photographic exhibitions at a national and international level, Marcel Blouin observes in his essays the phenomena that derive from the transition from analogical photography to numerical photography.
    • Date
      July 11, 2017

      Denys Chomel


      He is a graphic designer and has worked as a press designer for newspapers such as Le Monde. He has advanced studies in Information and Communication Technologies. He has been working for more than 20 years with new electronic images for television.
    • Date
      July 11, 2017

      Josep M. Monguet


      Co-founding partner of the company MABB Sistemas Interactivos SA Doctor-Industrial Engineer, Director of the Doctorate in Multimedia Engineering and professor at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC), Barcelona Spain and professor at the School of Industrial Engineering in Barcelona, Spain.
    • Date
      July 11, 2017

      Xavier Berenguer


      PhD in industrial engineering from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, he has worked on computer application projects: optimization, organization management, assisted teaching, until dedicating himself to audiovisuals from the creation, in 1984, of Animática, one of the first production companies. of computer images in Europe, of which he was director until 1992. He is currently a professor at Pompeu Fabra University, in whose framework he has directed the Audiovisual University Institute (1993-2000) and co-directs the master's degree in Digital Arts at the IUA. He also writes and directs the television program "Nostra nau", on Televisión de Catalunya, and collaborates with the UOC.