• Date
      May 22, 2017


      Luciana Ohira and Sergio Bonilha / Brazil
      This project goes into ITC (Instrumental Transcommunication) not due to its exoticity but because we understand this as a field where truth is difficult to be established, a field made from uncertainty and therefore questioning. Our intention is not to prove another dimension's existence but rather create a deep discussion around some materialistic goals that are probably keeping us far from creating new universes. Also, considering that ITC was a big success during the 1970's, we strongly believe in the possibility of finding people like Hilda Hist who knew the Friedrich Jürgenson EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena) method but haven't shared their findings anymore. If we succeed in this search, enrolling these former practitioners, it will be a beautiful bridge between old and young people that are open to dream beyond nowadays political and economic standards.
    • Date
      May 22, 2017


      Ana Jofre / Canada
      OCAD University
      ISEA_bot_2017 is a bot that will live indefinitely on Twitter, a pseudo-life-form that subsists and consists of the work presented at ISEA2017. The bot bases its tweets on the papers from the proceedings of ISEA2017, and re-generates the texts using a Markov chain algorithm.
    • Date
      May 22, 2017

      Through the Aleph: A Glimpse of the World in Real Time

      Jing Zhou / USA
      Monmouth University
      "Through the Aleph" is a networked art project that offers an unprecedented visual and interactive experience, in which many places on Earth and in space can be seen simultaneously in an instant, visualizing the diversity of human civilizations ( microcosm) and the unity of Humanity without Borders in the ever-changing universe (macrocosm), which draws the connections between individuals and the global environment, Earth and outer space, eternity and time, and art and With an unexpected focus on surveillance cameras and global networks, this media web uses live data to create an abstract landscape in an open source environment, which not only embraces the dream of peace on Earth, but also explores the link between humanity and nature through time and space in the present.
    • Date
      May 22, 2017


      Arnau Gifrea-Castells / Spain
      Open Documentary Lab MIT
      COME/IN/DOC / Collaborative Meta Interactive Documentary / is a transmedia meta-documentary that reflects on the interactive documentary. It consists of 3 interconnected parts: a documentary series, a multimedia platform and exhibitions. This is the result of four years of intensive research (2012-2016) conducting interviews with experts in the field of interactive documentary with the aim of answering a basic question: what is an interactive documentary? The idea is to reflect on this emerging field using different platforms. The project could be described as a “meta-interactive-doc”, an experimental interactive documentary that reflects itself on the new genre. COME/IN/DOC is a collaborative project because many people selflessly worked on it in one way or another. But especially thanks to the experts in interactive documentary who made the project a collaborative work in the broadest sense. COME/IN/DOC is a meta-documentary that attempts to explain a kind of documentary based on that current genre. COME/IN/DOC is interactive because its platforms and interfaces, social networks and training make it possible for people who are interested to participate, contribute and even generate content. COME/IN/DOC is a documentary created through theoretical and applied research and has become a unique and valuable tool for training and teaching.
    • Date
      May 22, 2017

      Equidistant Subjects

      Israel Alejandro López García and Fátima Edith Ramírez Domínguiez / Mexico
      University of Guanajuato
      Is a video installation, in which the data becomes the conceptual axis of the creative process, they are the source of the visual discourse, through a reappropriation of the source of information. This piece is part of the process of co-creation with different areas of knowledge derived from the DALA project, (Digital Arts in Latin America), which establishes the various experimental ways of approaching data visualization, Generating a visual landscape that refers us to technological Processes that deal with new ways of interpreting data, appealing to rhizomatic visions which become contractual and despair, we approach the deconstruction of epistemic process of technological condition.
    • Date
      May 22, 2017


      David Cotterrell and Ruwanthie from Chickera / United Kingdom
      University of Brighton
      Mirror IV : Stranger is a two-screen installation developed to explore the nature in which trust and suspicion is confronted when empathy is being established within a context of polarisation. Mirror is conceptualized as a series of two-screen works considering polarized perspectives, drawing alternatively on assumption and objectivity; This project is designed to explore the common human characteristics that could provide a stronger empathetic bridge between strangers than their contexts, roles and attire might suggest. Portraits of individuals are constructed in a manner that they transcend or challenge place, prejudice, projection, assumption and fear of the other – while at the same time providing insight into nuanced internal negotiations and narratives. At a time when the extraordinary polarization of half a century of war, appears to be coming to a close, we propose the development of a new research-based artwork modestly considering the enormous challenges of reconciliation and forgiveness. The project Mirror IV : Stranger is a collaboration between the UK-based visual artist, David Cotterrell and Sri-Lankan screen-writer, Ruwanthie de Chickera. It is a contemplative study of the process and obstacles to the normalization of individual interaction within a context of deep historical division.
    • Date
      May 22, 2017

      PAXX Textile Pattern Sound Machine

      Fatima Edith Ramirez Dominguez / Mexico
      University of Guanajuato
      It is a hybrid machine in which various multimedia elements are revealed, a sound object that works through a system of artificial vision through which a process is tracked of the surface of Latin American textiles generating a sound abstraction of the textile patterns designing various sound pieces in real time. The incessant search of the human being for generating identity and belonging, there is a process of construction where the individual defines himself in close relationship with his environment, in this context is where we can define the use and importance of the Textile activity in the history of the human being, thus shaping their collective practice, their identity and also their heritage. Media arts establish a relationship with the tradition to understand the socio-cultural transformations, establishing a conceptual apparatus through the textiles and the cultural identity. Textiles and their ritual and ceremonial connotation emphasizing their use in symbolic form of representation, through the geometry and weaving technique.
    • Date
      May 23, 2017

      Chaos in Cosmos

      Duygu Nazli Akova / Turkey
      Istanbul Kultur University

      The equalizer effect of photo collage creates a dynamic form in the video “Chaos in Cosmos”, which addresses the issues such as social inequality, consumerism, urban life, and immigration through their social, cultural and economic outcomes. Istanbul, which once was cosmos, has now turned into chaos according to the migration policy of Turkish government and the roles given to the individual and the society are becoming vague as time, space, subject and object are all intertwining.