Domains, Publics and Access. WikiSprint for a Media Archeology of the Present
Paz Sastre and Aisel Wicab / Mexico
Metropolitan Autonomous University
Domains, publics and access is an ongoing research in media archeology of the present. The core of the research is a wiki where everybody can collaborate with cataloging, preserving and documenting projects that offer access for the general public to the domains of art, culture, science, economics, politics and technology. The collection brings together projects that have emerged in different countries from the second half of the 20th century to the present day related to open access, open content, open government, open science, open design, open education, open spectrum, citizen journalism, citizen science, collaborative economy, commons, co-ops, crowdfunding, crowdsourcing, cryptocurrencies, DIY, free software, free culture, community currencies, solidarity economy, grassroots media, p2p, piracy, tactical media, etc. The main goal is to preserve the memory of projects that appear and disappear day by day in different countries using the online tools such as Wayback Machine and MediaWiki. The reason for this is that historically the limits of access have never been stable and will continue to change but we are losing the traces of the present for future generations without even noticing it.