• Date
      October 14, 2022


      Maria del Pilar Martinez Villegas (Colombia)

      Monday, October 17th

      The sound revelations that occurred to Pierre Schaeffer in France in 1948 after the technology of sound recording and reproduction was more developed, began a series of extensive research and experimentation that revolutionized the world of music, the way of making, the way of listening and the means to do so; thus giving rise to what we know today as acousmatic music.
    • Date
      October 14, 2022

      "Superposition as visual poetic possibility"

      Juan Pablo "Hastur" Mora Benavides (Colombia)

      Monday, October 17th

      The workshop investigates through the creation of nano-films a new audiovisual grammar, which is mostly related to the filmic space, as an alternative proposal to the classical audiovisual grammar, which is determined by the filmic time.
    • Date
      October 14, 2022

      "Incoяяage. Technocollage and biocollage: images and incendiary fictions"

      Valentina Quintero Aguilar and Andres Pacheco Jaimes (Colombia)

      Monday, October 17th

      Technocollage and biocollage: incendiary images and fictions is a laboratory that seeks to create fictions by expanding the idea of burning through the use of analog and digital collage technologies with a critical and interdisciplinary perspective on the creation of images.
    • Date
      October 14, 2022

      "Systemic Design from Strategic Design"

      DA Restrepo-Quevedo, PhD. (Colombia)

      Tuesday, October 18th

      It will be developed through a systemic design methodology in which the analysis of situations will be implemented, understanding the dimensions that make up the problems of the design: These propitiate the development of a formulation scheme in which transformations to the situations are promoted from the problematic dimensions.
    • Date
      October 14, 2022

      "Woven Stories"

      Diana Carolina Godoy Acosta / Leonardo Mauricio Rivera Bernal / Julieth Rincón (Colombia)

      Tuesday, October 18th

      The Taller Historias Tejidas seeks to approach the practices of weaving and embroidery from an understanding as a diverse and multicultural scenario where to promote the change of perception and traditional sense from the exploration of the craft of weaving as a creative practice, and the Sewing Workshop as a space for relationship and construction of micro learning communities that help to re-signify the essence of the feminine in its integral sense.
    • Date
      October 14, 2022

      "Simple: A programming language in Spanish for artists and designers"

      Jose David Cuartas (Colombia)

      Tuesday, October 18th

      It is a workshop designed especially for people with little or no knowledge in programming, in which basic notions of creative programming will be given using a new programming language in Spanish called Simple, which facilitates the creation of interactive applications on computers with Windows, MacOS or GNU-Linux, and additionally allows the generation of interactive web pages, using the same code.
    • Date
      October 14, 2022

      SOMA Laboratory - "Arts and sciences of movement"

      Javier Martín (Spain)

      Tuesday, October 18th

      A work session that will be based on the experimentation of a series of concepts, techniques and exercises to accompany and refine perception, to understand the relationships between physical sensations and the languages we use, between the body, its materiality, and the processes that mediate the consciousness we have of it.
    • Date
      October 14, 2022

      David Delgado


      Civil engineer and master's degree in systems engineering from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, with honors. D. in engineering from the University of Birmingham, England.