Call for Papers International Academic Forum on Design and Creation

Selected authors must pay, individually, the registration fee for the event to obtain the right of presentation and publication at a special rate. With this accreditation they will be able to attend the activities programmed in the XXIII International Image Festival.


Academic proposals that are not registered in the registration system with their respective payment will not be included in the proceedings. In the case that a panel has several authors, each speaker must register in the registration system. If someone is co-author of more than one proposal, he/she should only register once, this means that he/she makes only one payment. 


Note: Admission to other categories of the event does not exempt Forum participants from paying their registration fee.


Artistic Call for Entries - XX MediaArt Monographic Exhibition - Digital(and)Cinema Exhibition - Exhibitions - Sound Bridges

The authors of the selected proposals that are part of an academic institution whose product is the result of a research-creation process will pay a special registration fee for the event. Certification of their membership in that institution will be required. 


In the case of independent artists or works, no payment is required and up to 2 passports will be granted to participate in the event. Applies to all



Make a deposit in the checking account of Bancolombia nº07015352670 in the name of Fundación Instituto de Investigaciones de la Imagen - NIT 810.002.200-4 and send the proof of payment to inscripciones@festivaldelaimagen.com with name, identity card number and participation method.


Deposit in the current account of Bancolombia n°07015352670 in the name of the Image Research Institute Foundation - NIT 810.002.200-4, with swift code COLOCOBMXXX and send the proof of payment to the email inscripciones@festivaldelaimagen.com with name, identification number and modality of participation.


Phone: (576) 878 1500 ext.12606

Adress: Calle 65 #26–10 University of Caldas

City: Manizales

Country: Colombia


All payments must be notified to ensure their legalization.
