May 5 to 9, 2014
University of Caldas - CCC Los Fundadores Theater
The 13th International Image Festival revolves around the theme: "Digital creation and post-conflict", which proposes to reflect on the role of art, design and technology in societies that today must seek ways to overcome periods of turmoil, inequality, injustice and violence. For this, it brings to the country artists, designers and researchers who explore the variables that interrelate social innovation, digital inclusion, gender, social networks of resistance, free software, among others, in order to investigate the central role that Design and Creation, together with Information and Communication Technologies, must comply in complex ideological, political and cultural contexts, to restore harmony, equity and well-being among human beings.
In addition to the above, and as a novelty for this edition, the 1st Design and Electronic Arts Market is held, which offers the possibility of spreading the innovation and creativity of different businessmen and entrepreneurs in these areas, in order to take advantage of the potential of creative industries for the socioeconomic development of communities, promoting their commercial and cultural dynamics, knowledge transfers and the exchange of best practices.