Since 1997, the Department of Visual Design in Manizales, Colombia, has held the International Image Festival, a digital culture gathering that, in its 21 editions, has managed to establish an international network of institutions, researchers, and creators who exchange experiences each year. and knowledge. For this reason, it has positioned itself as an event of international relevance and academic reference in design, art, science and technology.
The Festival addresses cutting-edge issues that integrate various disciplines, distributed knowledge, and social and environmental issues that invite critical reflection on contemporary media and communications. In its latest versions, the Festival has been linked to international events of wide relevance such as:
I International Market of Design, Electronic Arts and Technology
Ecology from Digital Art / Fundación Telefónica de Venezuela
Exhibition of the International Festival of Contemporary Art SESC_Videobrasil
Balance-UnBalance Conference
23rd International Symposium on Electronic Art ISEA2017 / Digital France - Colombia-France Year
16th Participatory Design Conference
Chroniques - Biennale des Imaginaires Numériques France.
VIDEO.18. Association for the Advancement of Cultural Awareness in the Audio-Visual Field. Germany.
Unbound Listening - Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival. British Council.
International Conferences on Design History and Studies ICDHS
Ministry of Culture, Arts and Heritage and the Department of Cultural Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
22nd International Image Festival
May 29 - June 4, 2023
Manizales - Bogota
The International Image Festival, which in its 22nd version will take place between May 29 and June 4, 2023, is preparing an edition whose central theme will be XENO landscapes. The XENOlandscapes are presented as an invitation to listen to what Bruno Latour calls the "cry of the earth", that call to the power of action of people and communities that allows them to alter and transform their small environments, thereby achieving a movement of regeneration of ecosystems that enable their survival.
For this reason, and taking into account the needs that the conservation of the earth as a living and habitable space is going through in terms of critical dialogues, the XENOlandscapes arise, with the purpose of assuming design as a tool for change and reflection that contributes to the reformulation of consumption practices, as well as our relationship with the environment as a place of creation. The increase of complexity in the dynamics of the 21st century questions the uniqueness of visions that are imposed in the face of the ignorance of the singularities of integrated environmental and digital ecologies that, due to geographical, technological, biological, cultural, linguistic or gender diversities, require collaborative analysis and adaptive actions from every latitude. Therefore, it is necessary to observe not the universality, but the pluriversality of knowledge, to carry out inquiries from different coordinates and integrating visions that come from multiple fields and places, in such a way that this allows confronting the labyrinths of knowledge, by introducing critical views that reconstruct a reality apart from unidirectional discourses. Thus, the International Image Festival allows the opening of spaces of interaction where dialogues of knowledge and the democratic distribution of knowledge are encouraged. This constitutes an opportunity for academic, artistic and thought development that will undoubtedly strengthen not only university networks but the community itself.
Guest academics and artists